All about Mrs. Burns

Teacher of second graders, mother to one, wife to a super cute guy, and lover of Jesus. Welcome to my teaching blog!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The first of many...

I got my current job because my principal liked my shoes. I am sure he also loved my highly qualified, energetic, go-getter attitude and amazing teacher skills, but I will always say he loved my fabulous black and white polka dot high heels. My favorite teacher ever, my 8th grade English teacher, wore stilettos every day to teach, and I remember sitting in class dreaming that if I ever did become a teacher, I would wear high heels every day too. And I do. Pointy-toed high heels to be exact. Everyone knows when I come down the hallway by my click-clack on the floor.
I have been teacher blog stalking for some time now, and I finally decided to join this area of blog world. I already write a blog dedicated to my amazing 3 year old, but I felt it was time to try something new!
So here I am, not really sure what to write about, but ready to take on this challenge!

I guess I should start with an introduction...I have taught for 8 years. I began my teaching career in 3rd grade. I cried every day. It just wasn't the grade for me. Thankfully, my principal heard my cries and moved me to 1st grade. So for the last 6 years I have taught 1st grade. I am now moving on up to 2nd grade and am very excited at this new chapter of my career. (I actually get to loop-up, which!)

I also love to sing and sing as much as I can when I teach. I lead the choir at church and win karaoke contests. It's one of my passions. I love Jesus, my husband, my child, and my family. I grew up in our small town, went to college and came back. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my little town. I love raising my little girl here. I especially love teaching here. I am also one of those artsy-fartsy people who likes to paint. I love monograms, big hairbows, smocked dresses, and tights on little girls. I say "y'all" and "bless her heart." I am southern to the core and love Auburn football. I like to think I am funny too, but you'll have to ask my friends about that one! My momma is my best friend, and my child calls my sister "sissy." Yes, we are southern!

I hope that you will enjoy my little piece of lower Alabama teaching and I hope that I can inspire others like I am inspired by them!

I am in the process of redecorating my classroom to make it more mature for my children. I want them to feel like second graders even though most of them will be back in their first grade room. We had to clean out our rooms for the floors to be waxed and cleaned, so it is taking me some time to get it all together. Here is what my class looks like this week.

My crazy room...had to move out my little people tables for desks. Notice my little girl in the lower corner? I didn't either till now! ha! 

  A different view. Nothing on the walls, just a mess!

I worked on this board today. I saw a pintrest pin that a teacher had done for more bulletin board space. She used poster board and ribbon. I used foam board (so I could stick push-pins in it) and ribbon for the edges. I really like how it turned out.

Our theme this year is Olympics. Our school was given a National award last year called "Torchbearer" so we are using that to further our Olympic fever. I decided to use navy's, orange's, and green's to decorate this year. I am excited!

I hope to have my finished room posted next week. I start school the first of August, but my children don't start till the 20th. I have 2 weeks to work and have professional development. I promise it will look much better by open house!

Thanks for stopping by my new blog!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Evie & I miss you, but now we can keep up with all you do! Adding you to my blogroll :0)
